- Connelly & Company adheres to the guidelines set in the Condominium Act of Alberta:
- Assist with Board Duties (Section 37 – The Act)
- AGM preparation, distribution and attendance (Section 30 – The Act)
- By-law interpretation & enforcement (Section 32 – The Act)
- By-law Sanctions (Section 35 & 36 – The Act)
- Prepare draft budget and resolution (Section 39 – The Act)
- Assist with Reserve Fund (Section 38 – The Act)
- Assist with Investments on board instruction (Section 43 – The Act)
- Provide Information on Request (fees are charged) (Section 44 & 74 – The Act)
- Provide Information to Mortgagee (Section 45 – The Act)
- Delinquent legal steps (Sections 39, 40, 41 and 42 – The Act)
- Arrange Insurance (Section 47 – The Act)
- Provide Insurance Information (Section 48 – The Act)
- Report Insurance Claims to Insurance Adjuster
- Assist with Tenant Matters (Sections 53, 54, 55, 56 and 57 – The Act)
- Separate Bank Accounts
- Issue Estoppel Certificates (a fee will be charged) per Section 44 – The Act